- stand down
- take over
- walk into
- branch out into
- draw on
- get into
- burn out
- head up
- fall back on
- set out to
- put off
- throw into
- get ahead
- go back to
- go into
- stick with
- wind down
- cash in on
ケンジは35年間自分の会社を経営していたが、引退することに決めた(stand down)。彼の娘のジェシカがその家族経営のビジネスを引き継ぐことになった(take over)。その間、エリオットは彼の印象的なポートフォリオのおかげで、有名なファッションデザイナーの仕事にすぐ就いた(walked into a job)。マービンは成功したテニスプレイヤーとして、若い選手のコーチングにも進出していた(branching out into coaching)。
ケイティは20年間セラピストをしているため、多くの経験を活かすことができる(draw on)。オリビアはジャーナリズムに入りたいと思っており、最近ラジオ局でインターンを始めた(get into)。しかし、ケンは毎日16時間働き続けると、自分を疲れ果てさせてしまうだろう(burn himself out)。
ダイアナが新しい営業部門の責任者に選ばれた(head up)。もし銀行の仕事を失っても、料理のスキルを頼りにすることができるだろう(fall back on)。ポールは学校を出たときに30歳までに億万長者になることを目指した(set out to become a millionaire)。
一方、法律家になりたいと思っていたが、その仕事量に嫌気がさしていた(put me off)。フェミは新しい美容院の仕事に全力を投じた(thrown himself into)。そしてキャロライナは職場で昇進するために研修コースに参加した(get ahead)。子供たちが学校に通い始めたとき、彼女は機械工の仕事に戻った(went back to)。
ナイナは大学を卒業したら教職に就く予定だ(go into teaching)。トムは仕事が好きではないが、昇進するまでは続けるつもりだ(sticking with it)。ジョアンナは大きなホテルの管理職に就くためにビジネスを縮小していた(winding down)。そしてブライアンは最近の悪天候を利用して、店で傘を売り始めた(cash in on)。
Kenji had been running his own company for 35 years but decided to stand down. His daughter Jessica is set to take over the family-run business. Meanwhile, Elliot walked into a job with a famous fashion designer thanks to his impressive portfolio. Marvin is branching out into coaching as a successful tennis player.
Katie can draw on her 20 years of experience as a therapist. Olivia wants to get into journalism and recently started an internship at a radio station. However, Ken fears that working 16 hours a day will burn himself out.
Diana was chosen to head up the new sales department. Even if she loses her job at the bank, she can fall back on her cooking skills. Paul set out to become a millionaire by the age of 30 when he left school. On the other hand, he had been put off by the workload of becoming a lawyer. Femi has thrown himself into his new job at the hair salon. And Carolina joined a training course to get ahead in her career. When the children started school, she went back to her job as a mechanic.
Nina plans to go into teaching after graduating from university. Tom doesn’t like his job but is sticking with it until he gets a promotion. Joanna was winding down her business to take on a management position at a large hotel. And Brian recently decided to cash in on the recent bad weather by selling umbrellas in his store.