

  • stirs up
  • came flooding back
  • reminds
  • looking forward to
  • looks back on
  • think back to
  • takes me back
  • leading up to
  • brought back
  • date back to
  • coming up
  • turned into
  • pan out
  • turn back into
  • bring forward
  • go forward
  • push back
  • go back


春の訪れとともに、町の時計がgo forward(進む)と、マリアはビーチでの休暇をlook forward to(楽しみにしていた)。ビーチに着くと、子供時代の海の家族旅行の記憶がcame flooding back(押し寄せる)。その記憶が彼女の心をstirs up(かき立てる)。
マリアは自分の若い頃をthink back to(思い返す)と、その日々が彼女をtakes me back(昔に連れ戻す)。大学の日々をlooks back on(振り返る)と、幸せな時を思い出し、それがまたbrought back(思い出させる)彼女の過去の楽しい瞬間を。
家に戻る途中で、古いおもちゃが見つかり、それもまた幸せな幼少期の記憶をbrought back(思い出させる)。そのおもちゃは19世紀に建てられた建物の中で見つかったもので、その建物はその後、コンビニにturned into(変えられる)されていた。しかし、マリアはその建物を再び家にturn back into(元に戻す)計画を立て、そこで暮らすつもりだ。

彼女の計画はすぐにpan out(うまくいく)し、すべてが順調に進むと、彼女のスケジュールは忙しくなるが、彼女はそれをcoming up(近づいてくる)と認識していた。彼女の友人クロードが病気になったため、会う約束をpush back(延期する)しなければならなかったが、クロードの回復を願っていた。

その秋、時計が一時間go back(戻る)と、マリアはこれからの新しい生活に心から感謝していた。

With the arrival of spring, as the town’s clocks go forward, Maria was looking forward to a vacation at the beach. When she arrived at the beach, memories of childhood family trips to the sea came flooding back. Those memories stirred up her heart.
As Maria thought back to her younger days, those times took her back to the past. When she looked back on her college days, she remembered the happy times, which brought back pleasant moments from her past once again. On her way home, she found an old toy, which also brought back memories of her joyful childhood. The toy was found in a building that had been constructed in the 19th century but had since been turned into a convenience store. However, Maria made plans to turn back the building into a home and intended to live there.
Her plans quickly panned out, and as everything went smoothly, her schedule became busier, but she recognized it was coming up. She had to push back a meeting with her friend Claude, who had fallen ill, but she hoped for Claude’s recovery.
That autumn, when the clocks went back an hour, Maria was truly grateful for the new life ahead of her.